
There’s often a gap…

Between knowing manifestation, knowing the law of attraction…

And living manifestation.

Living in alignment with your desires.

Through your thought patterns, energy/emotions, and actions.

THAT is what this live group program will change about your life.


What does it really take to manifest your dream life?

Alignment.  Accountability.  Action.

In this live group experience, I’ll teach the foundations of manifestation and the law of attraction.

We’ll dive into the science and psychology of how this all works.

We’ll weed the garden of your subconscious mind.

Shifting your beliefs.

Increasing your confidence.

And then? You’ll take the action.

Yes, the scary action you’ve been putting off taking.

You’ll get clear on what those actions are, create a plan, and stick to it.

You’ll watch how your thoughts and beliefs impact your actions in such a powerful way.

And you’ll realize at the deepest level just how powerful you truly are.

I’m so ready to support and guide you towards your goals and dreams.

Are you???



A 12 week level up experience

Biweekly live trainings + Q&A

Weekly journaling prompts + homework

A community to share your wins, ask Q’s and be held accountable

Private FB group

Access to The Breath Portal for Breathwork & meditation videos

+ more!!


Activate your magic.  Align your energy.  Live manifestation day in and day out.

Feedback from clients + students (various programs):

What We’ll Do

Training Call 1: Manifestation Simplified (the science behind how this works and how to really simplify it in your life)

Training Call 2: Deep Dive Into Self Sabotage Patterns (what causes us to stop ourselves and why, creating action plans)

Training Call 3: Embodiment (BE the vibe, internalize manifestation principles, shifting your energy)

Training Call 4: The Energy Of Being ALL In (How to REALLY stay committed this time and how to tell when you aren’t)

Training Call 5: Speed It Up, Lock It In (Shifting your mindset faster, making daily rituals easy)

Training Call 6: Accountability, Discipline, Staying The Course (Increasing your own discipline, staying IN the game)

Each call will begin with the training, incorporate journaling exercises and end with Q&A.

Each week you’ll receive high vibe homework and journaling prompts.

We’ll interact throughout the week in the Facebook group!

Expect to step into your next level during this program.  


Hi! I’m Leah Pardee, your Manifestation Mentor.

I’m also a self-published author and host of the Bare Naked Soul Podcast with over 250k downloads worldwide.

Before I discovered manifestation and went on my healing journey, I had a very different mindset about my life.

I thought I had been dealt a not-so-great hand of cards and that was that.  If I worked super, super hard, maybe I could upgrade my life in certain areas.  But overall, I felt like a victim.

Relationships felt hard.  Marriage felt hard.  Having a career with purpose felt unrealistic.  I was a perpetual people pleaser and a perfectionist.

That all changed when I made the commitment to changing my own life via manifestation four years ago.

I started journaling and meditating daily.  I reprogrammed my beliefs.  My thought patterns started to change.

Since then, I started my dream business, launched my popular podcast, left my corporate job to run my business full time, traveled throughout the year every year, built the BEST female friendships, vastly improved my marriage, have NEVER been healthier, wrote and published my first book, became an actress and got hired for multiple roles in commercials…and so much more.

Each and EVERY one of those started with the belief that it would be possible for me.

And following the new belief came action.

I specialize in helping you align your thoughts, emotions/energy, and actions with those of your dream life.

Because it is ALL possible for you.

I’m here to guide you on your journey of LIVING manifestation.  Not just knowing it, but living it.

Are you in??

Now enrolling! We start April 3rd

Get instant access to The Breath Portal when you sign up!


Let’s get Manifested!

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