Before I discovered the law of attraction, I wouldn’t say I was a total pessimist, but I definitely wasted ample time with negative visualization. Imagining the worst case scenario. Worrying about things that, in retrospect, never even happened. Thinking negative thoughts about myself.
But I never realized the danger of it.
Until I learned about the Law of Attraction, the time tested truth, I didn’t realize that by expecting negative outcomes, I was creating them.
“You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big and love big.” – Andrew Carnegie
Quantum Physics teaches us that everything in the Universe is made out of energy, vibrating at a specific frequency. Therefore, the more we focus on the things we want in life, the things we want to attract, the more we start to vibrate at the same frequency as those things. Like attracts like, so when two things are vibrating at the same frequency, they will be attracted and thus brought to one another.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Have you ever noticed that when you start to think about something specific, you start seeing it everywhere? A hairstyle or brand? A type of car? Once you start to become aware of it and think about it, you start noticing it when you wouldn’t have before.
Or when you have to pee really freakin’ bad. It’s all you can think about. You aren’t even sure if you can hold it. But then something comes up and distracts your mind. You shift your thinking away from your bladder. Suddenly, you forget you even had to pee.
What if we intentionally treated our entire life in such a way? What if we created positive frequencies and thought only of the things that we want in life, instead of focusing on the negative things that we don’t want? Would we start to see more good in life?
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
When we focus on things, we think about them, we talk about them – we tell our subconscious mind to be on the lookout for them. We tell our body what frequency we want to vibrate at. This is how the law of attraction brings things to us, whether they are positive or negative. It brings us whatever we are focusing on.
When you have a headache and can think of nothing else, the pain surrounds you. But when you call a friend or begin watching a movie, you forget you had the headache until you start thinking of it again. You distract yourself from it, and because you are no longer focusing on it, it slips away.
Ever wondered why placebo pills work? It is because our mind is extremely powerful. If we can get it to believe something is capable of happening for us, it will happen.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.” ~ Henry Ford
How To Use The Law Of Attraction:
The first step is to put yourself in a positive frame of mind, or positive vibration. This takes daily, intentional practice. One cannot monitor every thought that crosses the mind. Therefore, we can only monitor how we feel.
Pay close attention to how you feel. When you start to feel frustrated, angry, upset – stop yourself. Does whatever is causing this deserve the right to bring you negativity? For how long will you allow it to?
Did you ever notice how something little can ruin your day? Spilling coffee in the morning, someone cutting you off on your commute, a comment someone made, a news story that has nothing to do with you.
We let these little things spiral us into a negative mindset. From there, we are attracting more negativity. Bad days seem to get worse.
What if we practiced not letting these type of things get to us? Not letting them bring us down? Shifting our thoughts into positive ones so that we can be in a good frame of mind?
This is how the law of attraction starts working in our favor. We are vibrating at a positive frequency. When people say that a person or place has “good vibes”, this is exactly what they are referring to.
Once you begin to shift your mindset in little ways, learning to let go of the small things that piss you off, you can then practice with bigger things.
This starts to build your belief in yourself and the control that you actually have.
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~ Albert Einstein
Once you learn to believe in this, and believe you can create your own reality as you go – you can do anything.
This is the space that miracles live in.
For more, follow along on Instagram @ candid.confidence!