I would do almost anything to avoid my #1 biggest, most paralyzing fear several years ago…
What was my biggest fear? Like many people, it was public speaking.
I was petrified to speak in front of the class in high school, college, and in the corporate world. The thought of having all those people staring at you, hearing any mistakes you might make, and analyzing everything from your speech to your appearance terrified me.
So how am I so comfortable with public speaking now? And how do I find it not only safe, but incredibly fun to speak to thousands of you weekly on my Podcast about the most vulnerable topics?
I decided to embark on a quite deliberate journey to grow my confidence, release overthinking and move past my self-doubt.
Mindset Is Everything
In my early twenties, I stumbled into a career in sales. I made hundreds of phone calls a day to companies, just to have a small handful say yes to me. I made in person cold calls to businesses and got publicly rejected, often in front of a crowd.
A mentor said to me early on: “The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more you’ll grow.”
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life Amazon Prime
I realized had to shift my mindset around all the rejection I was facing. So I adopted what I now call a Challenge Mindset.
I began seeking out the most uncomfortable situations I could find. And with each “no”, I told myself my next “yes” was just around the corner.
I began looking for the positive. Gratitude became an increasingly normal part of my life. And when you start looking for more things to be grateful for, the more you see them around every corner.
Shifting Limiting Beliefs
Several years later, I began to dive even deeper into personal development. I discovered the concept of limiting beliefs, and my life was never the same.
I suppose I always knew that our beliefs aren’t “real”. We all have different ones, mostly inherited from childhood, so who’s to say which ones are accurate? But boy do they feel real. Especially limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are the “truths” we have learned over time, that simply do not empower us. They hold us back. They tell us we can’t achieve our goals and dreams. Even though others have done it, we somehow buy into the belief that we can’t.
Learning to shift these beliefs, by digging deep to identify them, and then rewiring my brain around them, changed everything. I began to see the world in a much more positive light.
I began to believe in possibilities for myself that I never could have wrapped my mind around prior.
Insecurities I had held onto for years melted away. My confidence grew and grew. I realized just how much power I had inside of me. And I got hooked on using it.
Mindful Habits
If you would have told me a few years ago that at age 27 I would be spending every morning meditating, I would have thought you were insane.
Growing up with a “hustle” mentality, I thought hard work equated directly to wealth. And it can. But it isn’t the only way.
Somehow, I began meditating just a few minutes a day. Coupled with other mindfulness practices, such as journaling, I began to release a lot of pent up pressure and stress that the corporate world bestowed upon me.
5 Powerful Ways Meditating Can Improve Your Life
Prior to these mindful habits, I was the girl laying in bed every night just worrying. Overthinking consumed me. Stress and anxiety were, in my perception, just part of having a “good” corporate job.
I had considered medication. After all, lots of my friends were on them, and I had no idea there were other options available. I certainly had no idea that mindful habits and “inner work” could completely shift my emotions from anxious to overjoyed.
And once I felt like I cracked the code on confidence, releasing overthinking and stepping out of self-doubt – I knew it was my mission on earth to teach it.
The Shortcut To Confidence
It took me years to uncover these mindset hacks, belief system shifters, and mindful habits.
And I’m here to help you speed up the process.
In my online course Makeup Your Mindset, I teach you everything I learned from the psychology of mindset shifting to mindfulness to action steps for confidence boosting.
This 5 week course will give you the knowledge, tools and motivation to truly transform your life.
So now that you know how I overcame overthinking, ditched self-doubt and grew my confidence… who says you can’t do it too?!
Learn more about Makeup Your Mindset here.