- Your uniqueness is what you are loved for. Learn to embrace it.
- That minimum wage job scrubbing toilets is teaching you a lot more than you realize.
- Write down what you are willing to accept from a man. If he doesn’t make the cut, your future self will thank you.
- Job shadow people in as many fields as you can! It’s much easier now than a few years after college.
- Corporate America has just as much drama as High School. This isn’t so much advice, just an FYI.
- Do as many things that scare you as you can. This will grow your confidence!
- If your Mom, Best Friend & Hairdresser all hate him – he’s not the one.
- Thinking you need to or should be married by a certain age is a myth. Settle down when it feels right, not due to social pressure.
- Moisturize your skin every day.
- If you want to explore the world, do it now. It is much cheaper to study abroad, and you may not be able to take months off of work later on in life.
- Do you really care what Becky said behind your back? Learn to shake it off.
- What you do in your financial life right now can affect you for years. Read up on personal finance and be careful with credit cards.
- Health is the most important thing. Physical + mental.
- Don’t allow yourself to give up on things. Grow your grit.
- It’s not that guys don’t want to date you. It’s that you’re going after scum bags, and subconsciously wanting them more because they won’t commit.
- People will treat you as good or as bad as you let them.
- Stop smoking and going tanning. Your 30 year old self will thank you.
- It really doesn’t matter if you gain or lose 3 pounds. Quit obsessing.
- Always trust your gut instinct. No more second guessing yourself.
- You are SO much more awesome than you believe.
Here are 5 books I wish I read when I was 20!
For more, follow along on Instagram @ candid.confidence!
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