There is only one way to get better at Yoga, right? I mean, you can read books and watch videos on techniques, but honestly, you probably won’t become more flexible without actually just doing yoga.
Essentially, it is through practice that one improves in any given area. And it is no different with growing your confidence.
So what exactly is confidence, anyways?
Self-confidence is the belief that we have in ourselves. Confidence is just belief. It is also just a mindset.
Confidence is like a muscle that we can build up, through practice. And practicing confidence means stepping into the situations that require it often.
Check out these 5 Must Read Books To Boost Your Confidence!
When we do the things we are afraid of, that are outside of our comfort zone, it gets easier little by little each time. We are building up our muscle to be more and more fearless. We are also making it easier for us to have self trust and belief, through our persistence.
Therefore, it is essential to learn how to step out of our comfort zone. And it doesn’t have to be scary.
1. Evaluate The Worst Case Scenario
One of the biggest things that has helped me gracefully jump out of my comfort zone time and time again, is asking myself this question:
“What is the worst thing that can happen here?”
Quite often, depending on the severity of the jump, the answer isn’t nearly as spooky as the fear of the unknown feels in our brain. Looking the answer to this question right in the face allows us separate the reality of the situation from the perceived danger.
Our Ego brain will always try its hardest to keep us safe. To keep us playing inside the comfort zone. It gives us excuses not to leave it. And anything that feels uncomfortable, whether it is having an awkward conversation with our boss or waking up early to go to the gym, is perceived as “dangerous” by the Ego.
These “dangers” are exactly what it tries to avoid at all costs. That is why it is so important to do the evaluation: is there really danger here or does it just feel new and uncomfortable?
2. Make It A Game
I believe that confidence, or the belief in oneself, is directly tied to happiness. How could we become our most joyful self with the self-doubt running rampant?
Therefore, we really need to make it a goal to grow our confidence continuously. And what better way than to make a game out of it?
This is what I refer to as a Challenge Mindset. It means adopting a mindset in which we seek out challenging situations by reminding ourselves that they are there to help us grow. We can learn to see them as something positive.
Try this mindset shift: whenever you think about something awkward, uncomfortable, something you know you need to do, that will benefit you, but that you don’t really want to do at this moment… Shift it to: Oh great! Here is an opportunity to grow!
3. Follow Your Intuition
Deep down, the answers are all always inside of you. Know this. Never forget this.
Recall being taught in school that the first answer we want to select on a multiple choice quiz is usually correct, but we often over analyze and talk ourselves out of it.
This is true in life as well. Our own inner wisdom holds the answers for what is best for our soul. If we allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition, rather than always trying to please others, we will feel much more connected, happy, and confident.
This too builds up much like a muscle. We can practice allowing ourselves to be guided my our intuition.
To start, let yourself choose the FIRST thing in small situations. Dinner at a restaurant? Pick the first thing you are drawn to on the menu. The first desire that you have. Getting dressed for an important meeting? Same thing. Allow yourself to just choose, without talking yourself out of your initial decisions.
This makes stepping out of the comfort zone easier because we know deep down that these choices will benefit us. These scary-but-good things. Let your intuition guide you to them, and then take the leap.
This is a journey. It doesn’t get easier overnight. Like anything worth having, it takes time and dedication. But it will become easier. You CAN unleash your inner badass. You CAN feel like a boss.
Trust yourself.
Want more mindset tips?? Tune in to the Bare Naked Soul Podcast!